In the KitchenJames Baldwin Stranger in the VillagePatricia Williams The Death of the Profane: The Rhetoric of Race and Rights*Brent Staples Black Men and Public SpaceDebra Dickerson Who Shot Johnny?Food+*Marion Nestle Utopian Dream: A New Farm Bill*JJ Goode Single-Handed Cooking*M.F.K. White Once More to the LakeGender and Human Nature *Anna Quindlen Between the Sexes, a Great DividePaul Theroux Being a Man+*Sojourner Truth Ain't I a Woman?Amy Cunningham Why Women Smile+*Roxane Gay A Tale of Three Coming Out Stories+Gwendolyn Ann Smith We're All Someone's Freak*Henry Petroski, Falling Down Is Part of Growing Up*Elisabeth Kübler-Ross On the Fear of DeathCultural Analysis +*Annie Leonard The Story of Bottled Water: A Footnoted and Annotated Script+*Tom Bissell Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter*Bill McKibben The Case for Single-Child FamiliesMalcolm Gladwell Java Man*Jessica Mitford Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain*Henry Louis Gates Jr. Scott Momaday The Way to Rainy MountainJhumpa Lahiri Rhode Island*Ian Frazier Take the F*E.B.
All readings are included in the Full edition.Personal Accounts *Joan Didion On Going HomeChang-Rae Lee Coming Home Again+Alison Bechdel from Fun Home+David Sedaris LoggerheadsZora Neale Hurston How It Feels to Be Colored Me*Maya Angelou Graduation*Lars Eighner On Dumpster DivingNancy Mairs On Being a Cripple*Alice Walker Beauty: When the Other Dancer Is the Self*Joey Franklin Working at Wendy'sProfiles*Scott Russell Sanders Under the Influence*Annie Dillard from An American Childhood+David James Duncan The Mickey Mantle KoanTom Wolfe Yeager+Virginia Woolf Ellen Terry*Toni Morrison Strangers *Judith Ortiz Cofer More RoomN. + New Readings* Appears in the Shorter edition.